Winter Photos

Now that Spring is almost here it was time to clear the decks by publishing the photos people had sent in over the winter. As expected, the first-winter Glacous Gull at Troon got the gull-types excited. There are also nice pictures of commoner birds visiting gardens. Dave Grant’s photo of a Slavonian Grebe at Martnaham made it onto the Ayrshire Species List being the first photo for that species I’ve received.

My thanks go to Dave Grant, Angus Hogg and Bruce Kerr for sending in photos for the Photo Gallery.

Autumn Photos

With the change to windy and wet weather it isn’t too surprising that we have wetland birds dominating this batch of photos. Of course it helped that the second ever occurrence in Ayrshire of a Glossy Ibis was an individual that liked to be photographed! However, it was Angus’s photo of a Wood Sandpiper that made it onto the Ayrshire Species List being the first photo for that species I’ve received.

My thanks go to Dave Grant, Angus Hogg, Bruce Kerr, Liz Leyden and Jamie McPike for sending in photos for the Photo Gallery.

Stonechat September 2015 Issue

2015-08-27_16-26-24Tony Scott has sent in the latest issue of the The Stonechat, the SOC Ayrshire Branch’s newsletter.   You can get it here .  Note: this is a 9MB PDF document as it contains a lot of high-quality images.

And yes, I’m pretty sure Tony knows that the bird on the front cover is not a Stonechat!

Late Summer Photos

It feels wrong calling this the “Late Summer” batch of photos (unless we are using “late” in its other sense of “dead”!) but at least the photos are good. Jamie’s picture of a Yellowhammer even drew appreciative comments from my wife! John’s picture of a Long-tailed Tit in his garden shows this charming bird very nicely. Bruce’s picture of a Black Redstart isn’t going to win any awards but it is interesting because this is a very young juvenile which implies they were breeding in Ayrshire. Finally, Dave’s picture of the ever-expanding flock of Mediterranean Gulls at Meikle Craig will get the gull-fans excited as they look at all the different plumage stages.

My thanks go to Dave Grant, Bruce Kerr, John Macpherson and Jamie McPike for sending in photos for the Photo Gallery.

Summer Photos 2015

A nice collection of photos in this summer’s batch: we have the “Ah” factor in Angus’s line of Mute Swan cygnets (a joint county record holder for number of cygnets); we have a stunning rareity in his photos of the Red-necked Phalarope; and Robin Turner’s lovely picture of one of his garden residents – lucky chap! These and more are in the Photo Gallery. Obviously, the Red-necked Phalarope also gets an entry in our Ayrshire Rare Species List.

My thanks go to Angus Hogg and Robin Hunter for sending in photos for the Photo Gallery.

Ayrshire Bird Report 2012

Ayrshire Bird Report
The Ayrshire Bird Report 2012 has now been published. Details of its contents and where to get a copy can be found here.

(And if your sightings didn’t make it into the report don’t worry: mine didn’t either!)

Spring Photos 2015

I’m applying editoral prerogative: this post is the last of the Doonfoot Black Redstart photos. While it was a stunning and obliging bird, only photos of it doing something special (such as playing the tuba) will get past from now on! However, we have more excellent photos for the Photo Gallery of other lovely birds instead, including the first of this year’s spring migrants. Here are a sample: see the Gallery for the whole set. We also have a photo for an entry for the Ayrshire Species List with Angus Hogg’s Yellow Wagtail (Blue-headed race).

My thanks go to Stephen Clarke, Dave Grant, Angus Hogg and Jamie McPike for sending in photos for the Photo Gallery.

Just Can’t Get Rid of Him…

After a short break while he ticked off yet more exotic foreign parts, Angus Hogg is back (was he ever away, Ed.?) as Assistant Recorder.  Basically he acts as the triage for all our bird records (oddly mine always seem to end up in his cylindrical filing system), checking them out, and then preparing them for the Bird Report.  He’s currently involved in the last great push to get the next issue out the door.  While he loves the paper-work side of things (shurely shome mistake, Ed.?) he’d much prefer to hear about birds so please send all sightings, records, notes, whatever to Angus at this address: