Well Chuffed

The appearance of a Chough at Turnberry Point at the end of January coincided with some nice weather and so I’m grateful for the lovely photos sent in for the Photo Gallery. Given it has been almost 90 years since the last reliable record of the bird in the county, Angus Hogg has produced an informative article on the status of the species in the county. My thanks to Dave Grant, Angus Hogg and Bruce Kerr for their photos.

Chough, Turnberry Point, © Angus Hogg

Late Autumn Photos 2018

In this time of grey skies it is nice to see a bit of colour and the photos in this batch certainly do that: Dave Grant’s Kingfisher and Angus Hogg’s Med Gull against a blue sky (remember them?). Then we have Bruce Kerr’s intimate picture of a Woodpigeon feeding its young. And finally, for all you Pipit fans out there, we have a trio: Meadow, Rock and Water. I’ve grouped them together in the Wetland Birds section so you can look at the differences more easily. (Slightly interestingly: the Meadow Pipit picture is the first of this species since 2006.)

My thanks go to Dave Grant, Angus Hogg, and Bruce Kerr for their contributions to the Photo Gallery.

Updated Events

It’s that time of year when the various social clubs start their winter meetings programme and their secretaries remember at the last minute that it might be a good idea to tell people about it. Hence the recent request to update the Events list. (RSPB Central Ayrshire should be any day now…; North Ayrshire gave up a long time ago)

Update 12-Sep: RSPB Central Ayrshire finally made it.

Late Summer 2018 Photos

After that lovely summer there’s been a pile of excellent photos sent in, and I apologise for the delay in publishing them – I’ve been far too busy sitting in the garden keeping the Chilean wine industry going! However, there are some stunning pictures and not just of the exotic stuff. Dave Grant even managed an addition to the Ayrshire Bird List with a photo of roughly 25% of a Grey Partridge. His photo of the Northern Bald Ibis will need to wait for the Great&Good to pronounce on its provenance.

My thanks go to Dave Grant, Angus Hogg, Bruce Kerr and Iain H Leach for their contributions to the Photo Gallery.

Summer Photo Quiz

For all you gull fans out there, here’s a couple of photos sent in by Dave Grant for you to ID in our summer photo quiz.  Both taken in the same place in Ayrshire.  No prizes other than bragging rights.  The Editor’s decision is final, although obviously, bribes are accepted.  As usual, click on the thumbnail for the full-size image.  My thanks to Dave for the images.

Late Winter 2018 Photos

With Spring approaching I’ve tried to clear my inbox with the last of this winter’s photos. I’ve limited it to one shot of a Glaucous Gull from the pile I was sent (Gull fans do like to show the details of every feather!). The one I’m really impressed with is Angus’s Jack Snipe: given they only show when you are about to stand on them, to get any photo let alone a nice one takes great reactions.

My thanks go to Dave Grant, Angus Hogg, Bruce Kerr and David Lynn for their contributions to the Photo Gallery.