Siberian Chiffchaff

PDF of poster

If like me you aren’t as up-to-date on your Siberian Chiffchaff identification as you’d like, then you’ll find the attached poster   produced by Dave Grant essential reading. Using his photos of the bird that recently popped up in Auchenharvie and explanatory notes, you’ll be ready for when the next one pops up. Click on the icon to download the poster. Makes an ideal spousal Christmas present.

Autumn 2019 Photos

Again, we have a nice mix of the rare and common with stunning photos. The really impressive bit was getting the photo in good light and blue skies: not easy this autumn! The above are just a sample: please go to the Photo Gallery to see all the other great pictures.

I’m always on the hunt for photos to illustrate our Ayrshire Species List. David Lynn sent in, as he himself says, a record shot of the Lesser Yellowlegs that popped up at Capringstone in Irvine. Doesn’t matter: as it is the first photo we have, it gets the glory, and being only the third record for the county (TBC by the Great+Good), also gets a place in the Ayrshire Rare Species List

My thanks go to Dave Grant, Angus Hogg, and David Lynn for their contributions.

Security isn’t a dirty word

The more observant may have noticed previously that browsers such as Chrome would say this site was “insecure” and give you concern. Given that it’s a birding website and I don’t hold sensitive information (e.g. credit card info, nuclear launch codes, etc) there isn’t a problem. However, to avoid even the slightest worry I’ve switched to using an SSL to secure the site. This means that no-one can eavesdrop on you browsing all the site’s goodies. The site’s URL is now officially but if you use the old http one you’ll be redirected automatically to the nice safe, secure one.

Spring 2019 Photos

A thundery afternoon gives me an opportunity to deal with the large backlog (as usual) of photos kindly sent in for the Photo Gallery. We have the usual mix of the commoner (but still worthy) species, rarities and distinct odd-balls. For example, Cathy Cochrane’s picture of a Whitethroat demonstrates something I’ve learnt is what serious photographers call Bokeh (every day is a school day here at Ayrshire Birding). Bruce Kerr managed to get a flight picture of the Great Egret that popped up in Loch Doon. Dave Grant got a nice picture of the Pied Flycatcher that set up home in Glen Afton.

I’m always on the hunt for photos to illustrate our Ayrshire Species List. Dave was very close with a picture of a female Blackbird but sadly we already have one (just one!) from a decade ago. It just shows that beautiful commoner species are often overlooked. Angus was sneaky and submitted a picture of Egyptian Geese that isn’t even on the official list (I had to make an Editorial decision and add it so he could get the glory: I put it down as an Escape – I’m sure the Great&Good will put me right).

The above is just an amusebouche of the goodies that were sent in: please go to the Photo Gallery to see all the other great pictures.

My thanks go to Cathy Cochrane, Dave Grant, Angus Hogg, and Bruce Kerr for their contributions.

Ayrshire Bird Report 2015-16

The latest issue of Ayrshire Bird Report, covering 2015 and 2016 is now available. The price is £8.00 and is available from:

  • SOC Ayrshire meetings
  • RSPB Central Ayrshire meetings
  • SWT Ayrshire meetings
  • Mrs Anne Dick, Rowanmyle House,
    KA5 5LU
    Cheques should be made payable to “Ayrshire Bird Report” and include £1.50 for p&p.

Winter 2019 Photos

A rainy afternoon at the end of Winter gives me an opportunity to deal with the large backlog of (non-Chough) photos kindly sent in for the Photo Gallery. In this short selection we start with Owls and Alan Brown’s superb photo of a Long-eared Owl at Hunterston that made his day, and a sequence of photos by Angus Hogg of Bogside’s aerobatic Short-eared Owls. Bruce Kerr did a great job of ensuring the crowds assembled at Stevenston for the release of an Ivory Gull didn’t spoil his photos. Dave Grant’s photo of a male Bullfinch gives a lovely wintry feel. Finally, Jamie McPike’s Kestrel is enjoying some late winter sunshine. Please go to the Photo Gallery to see all the other great pictures sent in.

My thanks go to Dave Grant, Angus Hogg, Bruce Kerr and Jamie McPike for their contributions.